DIY Ladybug Feeders Homestead Redhead Style


I have always had a special connection to ladybugs.  Over the years, if I was feeling lost or confused, I always seemed to be blessed with a ladybug in my path.  I would randomly find them in my truck in the middle of winter, or see them on my window in a particularly tough season of my life.  Besides my personal connection with these cute insects, they are also super helpful in the garden.  I know most people around here have large amounts of ladybug invasions that happen inside their home.  I wanted to build something outside to help attract these spotted insects to the garden and ensure they stay outside.  The original idea was from pinterest, but with my niece’s help, we made it our own.



Twine: We used bailing twine from our hay bales since we have plenty around

Drill with drill bit

Bamboo: We used the next to largest size available at Lowes (around $6.00 for a piece of bamboo-several feeders can be made from one piece)

Hand Saw


Permanent markers for decoration

  1. Cut the bamboo into desired lengths.  Most of the instructions I found online state to cut the bamboo into ten inch lengths.  I used the natural joints in the piece of bamboo to determine where I cut.  This is where the hand saw comes into place-this was a little tough so if you are doing this with kids make sure you do this part so no fingers are lost! Cut an angle so the ladybugs can land easier inside.
  2. Near the ends of the cut piece of bamboo (on the top) drill a hole on each end large enough for your twine to go through.
  3. Thread the ends of the twine through the two holes and tie in a knot so the twine is secure inside the bamboo.
  4. Decorate-this is where kids can help the most!
  5. Hang in desired location-we chose in a few trees near the garden
  6. Place raisins inside and wait for ladybugs to arrive

Overall this project took very little time and was inexpensive.  It was easy and super fun.  I hope the ladybugs will like it!
